This is the most important page on the entire internet. What you do with this information will determine the rest of your life.
If you died right now, where would you go? Many people don't know for sure, so I am going to tell you.
We are all sinners. The Bible says that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23) It also says that "The wages of sin is death."(Romans 6:23) God is holy, and he cannot tolerate sin. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, all of mankind was cursed with sin. The payment for sin is death, spiritual death. This is eternal separation from God in Hell, which is a place of eternal torment. God loves you very much and he doesn't want you to go to Hell. So about 2,000 years ago He sent his Son, Jesus Christ into the world. He was born of the Virgin Mary and was sinless. He never did anything wrong. When he was about 33 years old, he was crucified on a cross. Since he was sinless, he took the punishment for your sin and mine. He was the sacrifice for the sin of the world. And if he was still dead, all this would be very pointless, but after three days, the power of God miraculously raised him from the dead, showing that God was satisfied with the payment for the sin. He ascended to heaven, and will return again very soon. Will you be ready?
God never intended for anyone to go to Hell except Satan and his angels. He has provided you with a way out. Will you take it? All you have to do is:
1. Realize that you are a sinner, and that you cannot save yourself.
2. Call upon Jesus and ask him to save you from your sins.
That's it. Pray that to God and he will save you. If you don't know what to say, here is a model prayer.
Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I cannot save myself, Please come into my heart and save me from my sin. I will do my best to live for you, and tell other people about you. Thank you for saving me. In your name I pray, Amen
If you said that prayer and meant it in your heart, then you are:
The Holy Spirit now lives inside of you. You may not feel different, but you have been saved and you are on your way to heaven, a place of eternal happiness and fellowship with God. Also, You can never lose your salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For by grace are ye saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." You did not earn your salvation, It is a gift from God, and you can't do ANYTHING to lose it. This doesn't mean we can sin all day and then ask God to forgive us, and act like it's all right. While you can't lose your salvation, God will judge you for doing wrong.
Now begins the gratest adventure of your life! You should now try to serve God as much as you can to store up treasures in heaven. Get a Bible and read it every day. Pray every day. God will help you in your life if you ask him. Join a good Bible-believing, Bible-preaching Church. If you are in Rockingham County, NC, come visit us at Burton Memorial Baptist Church, off Freeway Drive in Reidsville. Finally, and most importantly, tell everyone you know about Jesus, and how to be saved. It's our mission from God (Matthew 28: 19-20).
For a more detailed study of the doctrine of salvation, click here.
Be sure to check out the website of Evangelist James Hodges at He has some good messages in text and streaming audio.
If you have been saved or you have questions, e-mail me.