How to make a Transparent GIF

How to use Layer Masks

Batch Processing




Interlaced Lines

Fire + Smoke 2

Cheap Circular Text

Advanced Lighting Effects

Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard in digital imaging applications. These tutorials show how to do commonly asked for effects. While these will show you how to make the desired effect, you will gain the most knowledge by experimenting and adapting your own techniques. Anyone can make an image, but it takes skill to make art.

These have been made with version 4 of PS, but should easily be adapted to newer versions. I have tried to note where there are differences.

For more tutorials and tons of links, check out


These are some useful plugins that you might not have. The other plugins I linked to before are on longer offered by the manufacturer. These were included with Photodeluxe, but not Photoshop!?

Flashpix File Format

Windows Meta File (WMF) Format

Redeye Filter

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